Computer Aided Pattern Design
by Don McCunn

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Studio Basic Functions

This page is an index of the different functions used to create Master Patterns then modify them for different designs. As the instructions progress, links are provided back to earlier videos. Trying each function in the sequence shown here can eliminate the need to back track to a function you have not tried.


  1. Basic Functions
  2. Creating Lines
  3. Pattern Design Functions

Functions are how you control the program to do a given task. A task is something you need to perform as you create and design patterns. For example, adding seam allowances and sewing notches are a task. Two functions are required to accomplish this task. The Design Index lists the task to be performed and provides links to the functions that are required to achieve this task.

The length of the videos are indicated between parenthesis. Some web pages have more than one video in which case the length of each video is indicated.

Basic Functions

1. Downloading Studio Files (2:14)
Four sets of Studio files will be used for the demonstrations in these classes. They need to be downloaded.
2. Opening a File (0:24, 1:06, & 0:38)
Different Studio files will be used in these demonstrations.
3. Saving a File (0;52, 0:35, & 0:38)
Studio files can be saved either to your computer or to the Library which makes them accessible from any computer.
4. Desktop Printing (1:00)
Patterns can be printed using a standard desktop printer.
5. The Print & Cut Process (2:22)
This describes the procedure for using the print-and-cut equipment.

Creating Lines

1. Selecting Lines & Points (2:24 & 1:54)
Selecting lines is an essential function to doing any kind of CAPD.
2. Line Appearance (2:47)
Line appearance includes the lines color, type, and size in points.
3. Drawing Lines (2:30, 0:42, & 1:23)
This section includes Straight, Curved, and Arc lines.
4. Drawing Shapes(2:09 & 1:06)
The shapes are rectangles, circles, and ellipses
5. Viewing Lines(1:28)
The viewing area can zoom in & out and pan around the working area.
6. Grouping Lines (1:16)
Multiple lines can be grouped so they function as a single entity.
7. Layers (2:06)
Lines and shapes can be moved in front of or behind other lines and shapes.
8. Changing Dimensions (1:50)
Dimensions of lines can be changed by dragging on a selection or entering width and height values.
9. Adding Text (1:27)
Text is used to label patterns.

Pattern Design Functions

1. Moving and Centering Lines (2:04)
Lines and Groups of lines can be moved around the working area.
2. Cutting Lines (2:15)
Both straight and curved lines can be cut.
3. Erasing Lines (1:50)
Erasing lines is not necessarily found in other CAD programs. But because Studio is designed for graphics, it can be a very helpful tool in designing patterns.
4. Mirror (0:58)
The Mirror function copies and flips a line or series of lines horizontally or vertically.
5. Rotate (3:09)
A line or Group of lines can be rotated in several ways.
6. Scale (5:43)
The designs can be quickly expanded or reduced.
7. Duplicate/Replicate (2:14, 0:43, 1:54, 3:20, 2:48, 1:22)
A line or Group of lines can be duplicated either once or multiple times. This is an important function for adding fullness.

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