Computer Aided Pattern Design
by Don McCunn Moving and Centering LinesWhen a line or group of lines is selected, the options to move the line(s) appear at the top of the working area. These options do not appear when the Studio screen is reduced for working in a split screen unless the Select icon is clicked. These same functions can be accessed using the Transform Panel. The location of a selected line or group of lines is indicated by "X/Y" coordinates. These corrdinates can be moved by changing the values in the "X" and/or "Y" boxes. The "X/Y" coordinates are based on either the upper left corner or the center of the line(s) as indicated by the Position icon. A click on the Select icon drops the controls below which allows the Centering LinesThe Mat icon centers selected line(s) in the middle of the Mat. The Center icon centers one line in the middle of another. It only appears when more than one line or shape is selected. This control can be very useful for centering sewing notches on seam lines as shown in Drawing Lines. Transform PanelThe controls to move lines can also be done using the Transform Panel. It can be opened from an icon on the right side of the working area or from a menu option. This Panel stays visible until the "X" is used to close it or another Panel replaces it.
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Copyright © 2024 by Donald H. McCunn