Computer Aided Pattern Design
by Don McCunn

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Opening a Studio File

Studio files can be stored in folders in different locations including the computer, a flash drive, or the Studio Library. There are two ways to open a file. The standard "Open" function adds each file in its own tab in the Studio software allowing you to have multiple files to work on by clicking a specific tab. The other way to open a file is to use the "Merge" function. This function adds merged files into the current tab.


Opening a Computer File

If you are using your own computer, you can organize the folders for your Studio files however you like. If you are using a shared computer, such as one at a library or other MakerSpace, you can keep your files on a flash drive. The process for opening a Studio file on either a local computer or a removable flash drive is the same.

Replicate Menu: File ► Open
Keystrokes: Ctrl+O (Cmd+O)

Merging a Computer File

While the Open function loads a file into its own tab in the Studio Software, the Merge functrion can be used to combine different files onto a single tab. For example, when the PGM-8 quarter-scale Master Pattern is to be scaled to full size, a Quarter-Scale Grid is merged with the pattern. Download the appropriate Quarter-Scale Grid as described in the Download instructions.

Menu: File ► Merge
Keystrokes: Ctrl+Shift+O (Cmd+Shift+O)

Opening a Studio Library File

The Studio Library is a special location on the web that can be accessed from any computer that has the Studio software installed. It is a storage space created for a specific registered Studio customer and requires that customer's password to access it. This is also referred to as Cloud storage.

Replicate Menu: File ► Library ► Library...
Keystrokes: Ctrl+Alt_L (Cmd+Alt_L)

When you are using a shared computer and are finished, be sure to sign out using the links at the top left side of the Studio Library function.

To Sign Out
Hello, (Your Name) ► Sign Out (Your Email)

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Copyright © 2024 by Donald H. McCunn