Computer Aided Pattern Design
by Don McCunn

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Computer Aided Pattern Design - CAPD

CAD/CAM using Silhouette America's Portrait 3 and Cameo Pro

Computer Aided Pattern Design is the process of using a CAD program to create sewing patterns. These classes demonstrate CAPD using the free Studio software that can be downloaded from Silhouette America. The Studio software is not labeled as a CAD program but it has all the necessary CAD functions for designing patterns. It is similar to using Word Processing to work with text, see more. It is also the software used to drive Silhouette America's print and cut equipment providing sewists a complete CAD/CAM process. These classes supplement the information in the book Fashion & Costume Design in Quarter Scale. The minimum equipment required to follow the classes is a desktop computer and preferably a printer.

Book Cover

Each class that desribes a specific topic includes short videos that demonstrate how to use the various functions of the Studio software. These videos can be seen in a split screen on a computer monitor. The left side shows the videos while the right side is the Studio software. By stopping and starting the videos, the step-by-step instructions can be followed using the sofware.

Split Screen

The classes are divided into seven sections. The first four sections show how to use the various functions of the Studio software. The next two sections describe how to apply these functions to the tasks of working with patterns and changing them for different designs. The fifth and sixth sections can be previewed to see the work being done even before learning how to use the program. The final section is for people interested in creating ready-to-wear clothes they can sell to others.

  • Initial Studio Setup (8 videos averaging 1:30 minutes) shows how to set up program defaults that will occur everytime the program is started.
  • Studio's Basic Functions (9 videos averaging 1:15 minutes) demonstrates how to open, save, and print Studio files. Sample files used in the videos can be downloaded from the website.
  • Creating Line Functions (13 videos averaging 2:00 minutes) illustrates how to draw the lines and shapes used for pattern design.
  • Pattern Design Functions (12 videos averaging 2:20 minutes) demonstrates the functions used to change the lines and shapes for different designs.
  • Working with Patterns (12 videos averaging 5:00 minutes) is about the tasks for scaling patterns, adding and removing seam allowances, resizing patterns, and determining pattern layouts for cutting fabric.
  • Designing from Master Patterns (7 videos averaging 5:30 minutes) demonstrates the five basic techniques for changing a Master Pattern to virtually any design.
  • RTW for Independent Designers is specifically for people who have a commercial interest in creating garments. (This is a work-in-progress)

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